Meeting people where they are - leading them to where God calls them to be!

BULLETIN                                          21 FEBRUARY 2021


Because of the coronavirus pandemic, public Church services and gatherings are limited till further notice.
Father Duncan will live-stream Holy Mass every day and assures you of his prayers for you and your family.

The Spirit drove Jesus out into the wilderness and he remained there for forty days and was tempted by Satan. He was with the wild beasts and the angels looked after him. After John had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee. There he proclaimed the Good News from God. "The time has come" he said "and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Good News."

Every year on this First Sunday of Lent, we hear of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. Before he begins his ministry, he chooses to go into a place of silence and emptiness to face his temptations. It might surprise us that Jesus would be tempted but temptation is not the same as sin! In fact, honestly facing temptation is necessary in order to avoid sin. Saint Mark doesn't go into too much detail today - the other Gospels give us more, specifically letting us know what temptations Jesus faced. They were all about the abuse of his power. He could work miracles and is tempted to us that power selfishly. He is even tempted to worldly prestige, though this would mean surrendering himself to worship of Satan. To all of these Jesus says a firm No. This is not who he is. But those temptations were real! We are invited to enter our 'forty days' by facing our temptations. When do we hear a little voice in our heads saying "Go on, there's no harm in it! It's not that bad! No one will find out?" Will we say No, like Jesus did? Perhaps we have to find a little bit of wilderness - a place of peace and quiet so that we can face down our 'inner voices' and ensure that we have the strength to say No to our temptations.

If you are housebound or self-isolating at this time, please use these prayers to unite yourself with the worship of the Universal Church, and your own parish, this Sunday. If alone, read or say these prayers quietly to yourself. If with another, or in a family, someone should read the Gospel and others respond. It might be suitable to find a special, quiet place at home for your Sunday prayers.

All Services are live-streamed and private unless otherwise stated.

Saturday 20 February  
First Sunday of Lent  

Vigil Mass at 5.30pm for Norma Clarke and Millicent Ward at their anniversaries
Sunday 21 February  
First Sunday of Lent  
Holy Mass at 10.30am for our parishes and Frank Barrett who died recently
Monday 22 February  
Feast of the Chair of Saint  
Peter the Apostle 
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Lesley Crehan who died recently
Tuesday 23 February  

Requiem Mass at 10.00am for Josephine Atkins

Wednesday 24 February  
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Billy Sheehan at his anniversary
Thursday 25 February 
Votive Mass of Saint Joseph at 10.00am for Jimmy Carson at his anniversary
Friday 26 February 
Stations of the Cross at 9.30am
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Peter Finnigan and Josephine Atkins who both died recently

Saturday 27 February  
Second Sunday of Lent  

Vigil Mass at 5.30pm for Mary Ann Hamilton and Jo Carswell who both died recently

All Masses are live-streamed and private unless otherwise stated.
All Masses are live-streamed and private unless otherwise stated.

Saturday 20 February  
First Sunday of Lent  

Vigil Mass at 4.30pm  
Sunday 21 February  
First Sunday of Lent  
Holy Mass at 10.00am

Holy Mass at 11.30am
Monday 22 February  
Feast of the Chair of Saint  
Peter the Apostle 
Tuesday 23 February  
Holy Mass at 10.00am Holy Mass at 1.30pm with Saint John's Primary School
Wednesday 24 February  
Holy Mass at 1.30pm with Saint Anthony's Primary School Holy Mass at 10.00am
Thursday 25 February 
Requiem Mass at 10.00am  
Friday 26 February 
  Holy Mass at 10.00am

Saturday 27 February  
Second Sunday of Lent  

Vigil Mass at 4.30pm  

Please remember in your prayers:
Jim Boyle, Robert Stevenson, David Reilly and Edward Kelly;
Josephine Atkins, Frank Barrett, Jo Carswell, Lesley Crehan, Peter Finnigan, Mary Ann Hamilton and Cornelius Welsh who died recently;
Margaret McCarroll 2015, Patsy McDonald 1993, Frank Coulter 2018, Guilia Marchetti 1998, Justine McAllister 2000, Brian O'Reilly 1993, Mary McCluskey 1980, Bessie Murphy 2008, Margaret Mary Adamson 2005, Brendan Dorrian 2001, John Bell 2008, Brian Griffin 1980, Jimmy Carson 2019, Father James Coyle 1975, Betty Lowe 2008, Maureen McIlhatton 1993, Annie Montgomery 2012, Canon Michael O'Connor 1966, James Smith 1986, Jim Wilson 2011, Agnes Delahunt 1944, Elizabeth Delahunt 1976, William John Dorian 1935, John Moore 2000, Matilda Brannan 1970, Betty Burns 2006, Frank Clark 1959 and Sandra Cornwallis née Shaw 2014
whose anniversaries occur at this time and those who are sick.
If deceased members of your family are not on our anniversary list, please tell Father Duncan
, the parish office or contact If members of your family or friends are in need of our prayers, please tell Father Duncan or the parish office.

The Stations of the Cross refers to the fourteen images depicting Jesus' Passion that we see in many Churches. These stations are a meditative exercise that has been around since before the Middle Ages. The purpose of the exercise is to make a spiritual pilgrimage through what is arguably the most dramatic moment of Christ's life. Each station is a profile in character and each one is a demonstration of Jesus' integrity. We can learn what it means to be truly human - and by this I mean the kind of human that God wants us to be - by meditating on these events. The Stations reveal the lowest point in Jesus' life and, in turn, the Stations resonate with the difficult times we experience in life as well as the tough times that we hold in our memories. In this way, the Stations appeal more to the heart than they do to the head. When we take Jesus's suffering into us and ponder the events he experienced in our hearts, we are stirred from spiritual sleepwalking. The point of the exercise is to nudge us into thinking about how, as Christians, we are supposed to be imitating Christ's life. The Prayers of the Stations of the Cross can be found on our parish websites. They will also be live-streamed from Church every Friday before Mass at 9.30am. Please join us if you can. We begin on Friday 19 February at 9.30am.

2020 has proved a very difficult year in the life of our parish and 2021 is still tough on everyone. Since we cannot meet with each other, not even at Church, we cannot have our usual 'Sign-Up' meeting in the Parish Centre. We are grateful to those who responded in renewing their membership by post or letterbox drop to the Promoter, Mrs M Sammons at 30 Seafield Court, Ardrossan, KA22 8NS. We ask members to do the same at your earliest convenience by sending your cheque for £15 in the post made payable to Saint Peter's 50/50 Club and including your name and address or alternatively cash by letterbox drop to the Promoter at the above address. Please do not send cash in the post. Thank you for your continued support.

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar. I love you above all things and I passionately desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever. Amen.

His name is John. He has wild hair, wears a t-shirt with holes in it, jeans and no shoes. This was literally his wardrobe for his entire four years of university. He is brilliant. a little bit esoteric and very, very bright. He became a Catholic while attending university as a young man. Across the street from the campus is a well-dressed, very conservative Catholic Church. They want to develop a Catholic ministry to the students but are not sure how to go about it. One day, John decides to go there. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his t-shirt and wild hair. The Holy Mass has already started and so John starts down the aisle looking for a seat. The Church is completely packed and he can't find a seat. By now people are looking a bit uncomfortable but no one says anything. John gets closer and closer to the altar and when he realises there are no seats, he just squats down right on the carpet in front of the altar. Although perfectly acceptable behaviour at a university meeting, trust me, this had never happened in this Church before! By now, the people are really uptight and the tension in the air is thick. About this time, the priest realises that from way at the back of the Church, a parishioner is slowly making his way toward John. Now the this well-known parishioner is in his eighties, has silver-grey hair, a three piece suit and a pocket watch - a religious man, very elegant, very dignified, very courtly. He walks with a walking-stick and as he starts walking toward this boy, everyone is saying to themselves, "You can't blame him for what he's going to do. How can you expect a man of his age and of his background to understand some university student on the floor?" It takes a long time for the man to reach the boy. The Church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man's cane. All eyes are focused on him. You can't even hear anyone breathing. The people are thinking "The priest can't even begin the Mass until the parishioner does what he has to do." - and now they see this elderly man drop his walking-stick on the floor. With great difficulty he lowers himself and sits down next to John and intends to pray with him so he won't be alone. Everyone chokes up with emotion. When the priest gains control he says "What I am about to say, you will probably never remember. What you have just seen, you will hopefully never forget."

The story is told of the atheist who accosted a priest with "Do you believe in eternal life?" The priest has no time to reply. "Well its a load of rubbish!" shouted the atheist. "I believe in science, evolution, survival of the fittest and when we die, that's it! No eternal life, no great judgement and no God!" The atheist continues his assault against the priest repetitiously and tirelessly. "Eternal life! Eternal life! Ha! Its all pie in the sky when you die. When I die that's it, the end, no eternal life, no nothing." He continues until he reaches his climax, "I will be buried six feet under when I die and that's it! Nothing! Finished! When I die I am utterly convinced that that will be the end of me!" "Well thank God for that" replies the priest with a sigh of relief!

2020 has proved a very difficult year in the life of our parish and 2021 is still tough on everyone. Since we cannot meet with each other, not even at Church, we cannot have our usual 'Sign-Up' meeting in the Parish Centre. We are grateful to those who responded in renewing their membership by post or letterbox drop to the Promoter, Mrs M Sammons at 30 Seafield Court, Ardrossan, KA22 8NS. We ask members to do the same at your earliest convenience by sending your cheque for £15 in the post made payable to Saint Peter's 50/50 Club and including your name and address or alternatively cash by letterbox drop to the Promoter at the above address. Please do not send cash in the post. Thank you for your continued support.

Please see below details of forthcoming Masses which will be broadcast on BBC Scotland at 12 noon on the following Sundays:
   • 21 February - Saint Joseph's, Clarkston
   • 14 March - Our Holy Redeemer, Stornoway
   • 4 April, Easter Sunday - Saint Mirin's Cathedral, Paisley
The documentary Priest School is available on iPlayer at and YouTube at

Sunday obligation to attend Holy Mass remains suspended for the time being and availability is restricted for those wishing to attend. Some of our parishioners are working during the week and can only attend at the weekend. Therefore, to make Holy Mass available to everyone we would be grateful if you wish to attend Mass and are able to attend on a weekday please do so, leaving seats for those parishioners working during the week. Thank you.

The parishes have taken quite a 'knock' through lockdown when public Mass is not available. This has had a huge impact on our parishes' finances. Could you consider taking out a Standing Order? It would be of great benefit to our parish. Forms are available from the Parish Office and here. Thank you.

If a member of your family or a friend is sick, please let us know and give us the details. Deacon Bill Corbett (01292 521208, 07904 248948, is the Chaplain to Crosshouse Hospital and is assisted by the Priest on call each week.

Our advertisers would welcome your support. We are grateful for their continuing sponsorship. We are grateful for the support of Mr and Mrs Sohal, Nisa Stores, Glasgow Street for the weekly donation of tea, coffee and milk for the Sunday teas.

The Catholic Church in Scotland is concerned with the lives, safety, wholeness and well-being of each individual person within God's purpose for everyone. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of people of all ages who are involved in whatever capacity
with the Church and its organisations. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us, ordained, professed, paid and voluntary members, to work together to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of children, young people and vulnerable adults.